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What should I do if my company's information on the website is inaccurate?
- Update the company information after registering on the Company Central website. Updating and supplementing information is free of charge. You can also send revised data by e-mail.
How to update company information?
- Register on the website
- Log in to the site
- Find your company in the search
- Click "Update company information"
- Update company details, description, upload logo and click "Save"
- After verification by the administrator, your company information will be updated.
How to update company information?
- Company income information is automatically updated twice a year. If you want to update the information faster, send the company's profit-loss report with a printout and signature to the address
How to enter a new company?
- Register on the website
- Log in to the site
- Find your company in the search
- In the search, make sure that there really is no such company on the site
- In the top menu of the website, click "New company"
- Fill in the details of the company, attach the logo and click "Save"
- After admin review, your company will be approved.
How long is the data stored and how can I delete the data I have entered?
- Company data is stored as long as it is current and accurate or until it is deleted by the user. You can delete the entered data by logging in to your account or by notifying the administrator by e-mail
Why are some companies listed above?
- Companies are listed above that have a logo and full description, more detailed other details or have purchased priority. If you want to promote your company, give it priority, contact the advertising department.
Why is the location of the company marked incorrectly on the map?
- If the location of the business is shown incorrectly on the map, please correct the address of the business. If the address is correct, but the location is still marked incorrectly on the map, report this to the administrator.
How to unsubscribe from email letters from visitors?
- You need to delete the email e-mail address from the portal.
- You can do this by updating your company information. How to update company details is explained above.
What does "No company assigned to you" mean?
- Companies are assigned to users who submit update data or enter a new company. If you want the company to be assigned to you, update its details (see above) or enter a new company and wait for administrator approval.
How long does it take to confirm the information sent?
- Information is usually confirmed within a day, but it can take up to a week. If the data sent is incorrect, inaccurate, it is not confirmed. If you are sure that you have provided correct information, but it has not been verified for more than a week, please notify an administrator.
How to delete a company in the directory?
- Companies are not removed from the register. Only irrelevant or incorrect information can be removed.
How many areas of activity can a company specify?
- A company is allowed to assign up to 4 areas of activity. If your company's activities cover more areas of activity - choose four main ones. To assign more activities, please contact the advertising department.
How to specify the exact location on the map?
- If you want to specify the location of your company on the map very precisely, during the update, enter the coordinates of the location in the "Notes to administrator" field. You can get coordinates using Google Maps or maps.
How do I delete a comment posted on my company?
- Comments will not be removed without reason. The rules for removing comments are presented here: If there is acomment that does not comply with the rules, report it here.
Where are the rules of CompanyCentral?
- The rules of CompanyCentral are presented at
Where is the portal's privacy policy?
- The privacy policy of CompanyCentral is available at
I have an unanswered question
- If you have an unanswered question, ask an administrator.
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